The New Academic Year, new challenges and opportunities

Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine, in collaboration with the ITF Seafarers’ Trust, has started a new project. As part of this endeavor, 10 sponsored spots have been allocated at the Lithuanian Maritime Academy for cadets who enrolled at the Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA) in the current academic year. The project covers the cost of the first year of education at both institutions, as well as accommodation at the Academy’s campus in Klaipeda.

On September 4, an online presentation of the project took place. Cadets who meet the sponsor criteria - such as their average entrance exam score, English language proficiency, and additional skills and talents - were selected to participate.

Let’s recall that on September 1, 2022, the Marine Transport Workers Trade Union (MTWTU), ITF Seafarers’ Trust, Kherson State Maritime Academy (KSMA), and Lithuanian Maritime Academy (LMA) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. As a result, 50 third-year cadets from Kherson State Maritime Academy successfully completed a year of study at LMA. The educational program for these cadets was designed to allow them to combine lectures and practical sessions across both institutions, resulting in dual educational diplomas: Ukrainian and Lithuanian.

"Our pilot project with KSMA and LMA, supported by the ITF Seafarers' Trust, was very successful and showed good results. Therefore, we raised the issue of continuing the initiative for junior students. Unfortunately, the war is ongoing, and young people need knowledge and new opportunities," said Oleg Grigoryuk, Head of MTWTU.

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