MTWTUYouth Forum: Uniting young people for the future of the trade union movement

The joint project of the MTWTU and the Danish trade union 3F opens up more and more opportunities for active MTWTU members.

Thus, the Youth Forum was held, which brought together young people from the MTWTU and other sectoral trade unions of Ukraine, in particular, nuclear and railway workers from the Nuclear Energy and Industry Workers Union Of Ukraine and the Trade Union of Railway and Transport Construction Workers of Ukraine. The event was organised by the MTWTU Youth Council, which received support and assistance from the Union

"I am glad that the number of young people in the ranks of our Union is growing. We must remember that young people are not only the future, but also the present of our movement. You bring fresh ideas, new perspectives and inspiration that inspire us to improve our organisation and its activities," said Oleg Grygoriuk, Head of MTWTU, "The Forum is not only an opportunity to discuss topics related to our activities, but also a time to strengthen ties between different generations of the Union.

I would also like to express our deep gratitude to our international partners who support our youth initiative. Your support is an important factor in our development and our gratitude for this has no limits."

"Young people are the future of the trade union movement, and you are the future of your country. The situation is very difficult now, and there are many challenges," continued Christina Hanson, International Department Advisor at Danish trade union 3F, "I want you to know that our trade union movement in Europe is very strong and stable in its support for you and Ukraine. Today, the trade union movement around the world is experiencing a decline in membership and young people are increasingly involved in the movement. In Ukraine, too, we need to have very strong young people who will be able to build the future after the victory. The trade unions are confident that active engagement will help young people to positively influence the future of Ukraine."

The Youth Forum was a platform for exchanging views on such topics as the need for trade unions, the importance of involving young people in trade union activities, and the changes brought about by the war.

The participants discussed the role of trade unions in modern society, their importance in protecting the rights and interests of employees, and their influence on social policy making. The discussions covered methods and strategies for engaging young people in the trade union movement, stimulating their activity and interest in trade union affairs.

Taking into account the existing need to expand the involvement of young people in the trade union movement, the need to increase the number of active, conscious young trade unionists, the Youth Councils of the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine and the Trade Union of Railway and Transport Construction Workers of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.

As part of the Forum's programme, its participants were also able to improve their public speaking skills, which open up many opportunities for personal and professional growth, increase expertise and credibility in the industry, help to make new acquaintances, and inspire trade unionists and motivate them to trade union activities.

Anna Fil, Director of the SIONAS Training and Consultancy Centre, Head of the Trade Union Leadership Academy, Head of the Global Transformations NGO, expert on social and labour relations and communication, shared her experience and knowledge of public speaking skills in trade union activities with the youth.

The forum opened up wide opportunities for sharing experiences and expressing views. New ideas, fresh thoughts and creative approaches brought by young people are key to improving the trade union movement and responding to current challenges. The trade union movement is constantly changing, and it is young people, together with experienced leaders, who are preparing a new direction for it. Therefore, it is the shared responsibility of trade unions to provide younger generations with not only support, but also the skills and knowledge necessary to continue and develop the trade union movement with dignity.

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