The Trade Union's key priority is to focus on future seafarers

The global maritime industry, according to international analytical resources, is facing difficulties due to a shortage of qualified personnel.

In view of this problem, the MTWTU actively advocates for the formation of a new generation of seafarers who receive education in Ukrainian maritime educational institutions.

Every year, the Trade Union holds informational meetings with hundreds of cadets and students, engages them in international projects and provides opportunities for professional and personal growth.

The MTWTU is proud of the work of teachers who do not stand aside even in times of war and danger, continuing to inspire young people to achieve great goals.

Recently, the MTWTU, under the auspices of IMO Maritime Ambassador Oleg Grygoriuk, took part in a physics Olympiad organised for future seafarers of the Maritime Transport Professional College, which is part of the National University "Odesa Maritime Academy". This week, the Union also had the opportunity to meet with the cadets of the Electromechanical Faculty of the College.

We are confident that these young talents will soon find their place on ships in the global maritime sector. And while this is happening, they have a unique opportunity to grow and develop together with the Trade Union.

More news with tag #Young People

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Нові перспективи через навчання та перекваліфікацію

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Відзнака плідної співпраці

Профспілка робітників морського транспорту України вже третій рік активно підтримує українських курсантів у співпраці з Литовською морською академією. Спільні освітні ініціативи відкрили для молодих моряків нові можливості для навчання та працевлаштування.

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