Seafarers Asked to Take Online Well-Being Survey

The ITF Seafarers' Trust has commissioned Yale University to work on a project to increase the mental health wellness and overall well-being of seafarers by understanding risk factors associated with seafarer stress, depression and anxiety.

The study was prioritized based on reports from seafarers and seafarer advocacy groups that mental health of seafarers is currently a major concern, coupled with the fact that research in this field is substantially limited.

It is anticipated that findings from the study will promote greater understanding of the mental health burden in seafarers, reduce stigma associated with mental illness, identify and reduce risks for depression and anxiety and allow for appropriate recommendations to improve the shipping environment in terms of mental health support.

Organizers hope to survey a large and representative population of global seafarers. The survey is anonymous, does not ask any identifying information and takes about 10 minutes to complete. It has been tested by Dr. Rafael Lefkowitz of Yale University with approximately 100 seafarers at the Port of Newark, New Jersey, with improvements based on the participant’s feedback.

The project is funded by the ITF/Seafarers Trust.

The survey can be undertaken here.

The closing date for receiving completed surveys is January 15, 2019.

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