Seafarers’ Financial Literacy 

At the numerous requests of seafarers, the MTWTU organized a seminar for its members on seafarers’ financial literacy. The speakers at the seminar were Eric Nyman, Ukraine’s leading financial expert, and Sergey Shvets, who has successful asset management experience.

According to a USAID study, in Ukraine, about 65% of the population consider themselves financially literate. Many seafarers are most concerned of how to live a decent life after the end of a career and how to financially protect themselves and their loved ones in the future.

The speakers at the seminar were Eric Nyman, Ukraine’s leading financial expert, and Sergey Shvets, who has successful asset management experience.

The event participants discovered modern investment opportunities available for Ukrainians; learned how to properly manage personal finances to achieve their goals, how to avoid mistakes in managing their finances and how savings can work effectively for seafarers.

“Thanks to the Union for the seminar,” said one of the seminar participants, seafarer and MTWTU member Valery Rozvadovsky. “I learned a lot of interesting things about asset and financial management. Seafarers need to think about a competent investment: if you don’t think yourself, nobody else will.”

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