On November 5, representatives of ASP crew management held a meeting with seafarers working on ships under its management. The meeting was held at the Maritime Union Center.

The company’s management and the participants discussed the urgent problems associated, first of all, with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been making its adjustments to the shipping operation, the whole world economy, and the usual lifetime for almost two years.

Thus, the MTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk addressed the seafarers and highlighted the newly launched Union Dent project. The project gives free access to dentists for Ukrainian seafarers working onboard the ships of German shipowners, covered by ver.di collective bargaining agreements. In addition, Oleg Grygoriuk spoke about the Trade Union work and MTWTU provided social and medical support for seafarers.

ASP Crew Management is a service provider, offering flexible and tailored solutions to meet their clients’ specific needs. Except for Ukrainians, the company recruits seafarers from the Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Georgia and Australia.

The MTWTU and the ASP have been enjoying fruitful relationship since the opening of the Odessa-located office and this cooperation proves effective results in favor of Ukrainian seafarers.

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