ETF Winter School Inspires a New Generation of Trade Unionists

The ETF Winter School became a source of inspiration for young trade unionists from across Europe, including representatives from the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine.

The event brought together over 25 participants from various countries, who, for several days, collaborated on ideas to transform the transport sector, making it more modern, fair, and inclusive.

Participants engaged in workshops, training sessions, and interactive discussions aimed at addressing key challenges in the transport industry. The focus topics were:

  • Revitalizing Trade Unions: How can we attract more young people to the union movement? How can unions become powerful agents of societal change and ensure fair working conditions?
  • Combating Far-Right Movements: Participants explored the importance of countering disinformation and threats to democracy, sharing strategies for resisting extremist propaganda.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: How do we create workplaces where every employee, regardless of their background, gender, orientation, or beliefs, feels safe and valued?

A highlight of the event was an interactive simulation game modelling scenarios to counter far-right propaganda. It allowed participants to practice real-time responses to disinformation.

The MTWTU youth leaders presented the Union's activities, sharing stories of its work during the war, support for members and their families, and initiatives aimed at fostering a youth-focused union movement even in challenging times. This exchange of experiences was both informative and inspiring, earning high praise from other participants who admired the determination and resilience of Ukrainian youth.

The ETF Winter School proved that youth are a driving force in shaping a modern transport sector where:

  • Workers' rights are always prioritized.
  • Unions adapt to contemporary challenges.
  • Every worker feels supported and secure.

Through education and collective effort, we are building a strong trade union community where young voices resonate loudly and influence critical decisions. While winter may be cold, the spark of ideas born at such events warms and inspires us to achieve great things.

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