Meeting with the SC "CTO" Labour Collective

Today, the MTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk, together with foreign partners - Susana Pereira-Ventura, Head of agreements unit ITF FOC campaign, ver.di, and Thomas Mendrzik, Workers’ Council Chairman, Container Terminal Altenwerder GmbH, HHLA, visited the "Container Terminal Odessa", a subsidiary of the German logistics holding Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG (HHLA).

There was held a meeting with the administration and staff of the enterprise.

“I believe that synergy between the interests of staff and the administration is important. After all, we have a common goal: to develop a business and company, to strengthen our position on the market, to improve the welfare of our shareholders, as well as the families of our employees,” Anastas Kokkin, General director of SC "CTO" said.

Let us recall that in 2018, the Memorandum of Agreement has been signed between the MTWTU and ver.di, Germany, and their membership organizations in container terminals Odessa and Altenwerder, both subsidiaries of the German giant HHLA. The Memorandum declares the parties’ intentions for joint cooperation for future years, including experience and information exchange, as well as organization of joint sports and training activities for the MTWTU and ver.di members, working for both HHLA subsidiaries.

“We talk a lot about the automation of port operations. Within the framework of the Memorandum, we look forward to the expert assistance, support from German colleagues in studying these processes so that Ukrainian ports develop in line with European ones,” Oleg Grygoriuk said.

In turn, Thomas Mendrzik said that he was in Odessa for the third time. “During every visit to the port, I notice positive changes, and I am glad for it. You know, we are here to plan our future together and look ahead with confidence," he emphasized.

Following the visits, the guests had a tour around the terminal.

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