New consist of ITF Executive Board

Today, October 15, 2018, in a framework of the 44th ITF Congress in Singapore, a session of the European Regional Election Group was held, which, among other things, elects a composition of the ITF Executive Board.

The ITF Executive Board is the managing body of the Federation that runs it between congresses. It executes the decisions and orders of the Congress, and also enacts points contained in the ITF Constitution. He has the authority to manage the activity of the Federation, take actions and make decisions, necessary and appropriate to protect and reinforce the interests of ITF and its affiliates.

Executive Board comprises forty-one members, the General Secretary, the chairmen of the industrial sections and committees, as well as the chairmen of Women's Committee and Committee of Young Transport Workers. Among the rest, the composition of the Executive Board should adequately reflect the geography of the membership of the ITF and its sectoral structure, and the election of members of the Committee is held between the candidates nominated by regional electoral groups.

Thus, in accordance with the ITF Constitution, the European regional group includes 9 electoral subgroups. Together with Ukraine, our electoral subgroup also includes Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Uzbekistan. Each subgroup has the right to get a certain number of seats at the ITF Executive Board - the seats are distributed by the ITF Congress upon the recommendation of the Executive Board.

The last meeting of the electoral subgroup of our sub region (called the Election Group of the CIS countries and Georgia) was held in June 2018 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Our sub region is entitled to two seats on the Executive Board. The purpose of the meeting in Baku was the definition of candidates to be nominated to the Board.

At the ITF Congress in Singapore, the agreements reached in Baku about the nomination of two candidates to the Board, were accomplished: Nikolay Nikiforov, Chairman of the Russian Trade Union of Railway workers and Transport Builders, and Michael Kirieiev, Chairman of the Marine Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine.

We congratulate the new member of the Executive Board - MTWTU Chairman Michael Kirieiev with the trust and support he has gotten from of the Congress!

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