ITF urges Ukrainian government to withdraw the draft labor law

The International Transport Workers’ Federation General Secretary Stephen Cotton addressed the official letter to the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky with the call on to withdraw the draft labor law submitted to the Ukrainian parliament on 27 December 2019 without any prior consultation with trade unions.

Current provisions of the draft law would seriously undermine fundamental workers’ rights, allowing for short-term individual labour contracts, unfair dismissals, normal working hours exceed eight hours a day, overtime becoming the norm, being paid at a fifth of current rates. Furthermore, this law abolishes some social guarantees, reduces protection for mothers with small children, making their dismissal even easier, allows transferring an employee to another workplace without their consent, and also bans collective bargaining and excludes unions from the workplace

Together with the ITF, fellow global and European trade union federations and confederations express their strong opposition to the imposition of the new labour law.

Earlier, the Joint Representative Body of the trade unions associations on behalf of 7 million Ukrainian citizens appealed to the President of Ukraine calling for protection of workers' rights and the trade unions activities in Ukraine.

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