IDC and ITF stand together with Unite the Union for dockers' rights at Port of Liverpool

Joint ITF Dockers - IDC Press Release

The International Dockworkers' Council (IDC) and the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) have jointly sent a letter to the management of the Peel Ports Group in the port of Liverpool (UK) to convey the united and unwavering support of their more than 640,000 international dockworker members in the struggle of the fellow dockers of Unite the Union, a British union and active member of both organizations, in legitimate defense of the labor rights of our colleagues.

Both international trade union organizations are working together with governments, investment funds, ports and the main shipping companies to make visible the unfair treatment that the company is giving to the dockers, especially after having obtained record profits in recent months. A working group made up of members of the IDC, ITF, Unite the Union and some of the founders of the IDC has been set up to decide what measures can be taken on a global scale to address the unfair corporate positioning of Peel Ports Group.

We dockworkers demand Peel Ports Group to return to the dialogue table and an end to threats of dismissal as a form of coercion. We demand a fair wage for our colleagues, in accordance with the increase in the standard of living. Currently Liverpool dockers are paid less than the average for major British ports and, in addition, the inflationary trend in the UK has seen unprecedented growth in recent years. Dockers are calling for the just demands of our colleagues to be considered.

The IDC and ITF will remain expectant of Peel Ports Group's response and will act globally and united in the event there is no effective response in the interests of Unite the Union dockers.

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