Increase in the Number of Accidents at Maritime Transport Enterprises due to the War in Ukraine

Both in times of peace and martial law, the Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine focuses its attention on safety matters and labor protection.

Most enterprises, institutions, and organizations of maritime transport continue to work in this challenging time, and therefore, the probability of accidents at work remains. All accidents occurring with employees are subject to mandatory investigation, and MTWTU representatives constantly participate in the work of commissions for the investigation of accidents, which are created by employers, and in some cases, for a special investigation, by the State Labor Service of Ukraine. Unfortunately, in 2022, the number of victims of industrial accidents increased by 2.6 times compared to 2021 and amounted to 16 people. And the number of accidents with serious and fatal consequences, which are subject to special investigation, increased from 4 to 7 cases. In some cases, among the causes of the accident, commissions detect the victim's fault. And it makes sense because, through these difficult times, employees are often subject to stress and do not care about their safety. There is nothing more precious than human life. Therefore, we wish all employees health and safety at the workplace.

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