Safety Comes First

MTWTU has handed over reflective vests to the Izmail port

During the night shift, work at the port becomes particularly challenging. It is important for port workers to feel protected in their workplace. In response to a request from the primary trade union organization of the Izmail port, MTWTU has provided reflective vests to union member port workers.

"Safety in the workplace is one of our top priorities," said Oleg Paskalov, head of the Primary Trade Union Organization of the Izmail Port. "The risk of accidents increases during the dark hours, so reflective vests become an indispensable means of protection for port workers, ensuring their safety at work."

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Solidarity Beyond Borders: European Trade Unions Support Ukraine

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine (MTWTU) participated in the Trade Union Summit for Ukraine organized by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). It took place on April 22-23 in Lublin (Poland) and brought together about 120 representatives of various European trade unions.

Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine held a meeting of authorized representatives on occupational safety and health dedicated to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

Насичені шкільні канікули для дітей Ізмаїльських портовиків

Канікули не лише час відпочинку від шкільних навантажень, а й період захоплюючих пригод та культурного збагачення. Завдяки ініціативі Первинної профспілкової організації ПРМТУ Ізмаїльського порту, малюки портовиків мали змогу насолодитися яскравими заходами, спрямованими на їхній розвиток та веселе дозвілля.

The MTWTU took part in the SEKO Maritime Section Congress

The MTWTU took part in the Congress of the Maritime Section of the SEKO sister trade union (Sweden). The leaders of this trade union were among the first to support the MTWTU since the beginning of Russia's aggression.

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