Anatoliy Nikolaev was elected the Head of the local trade union organization PJSC “Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company”

On February 23, theMTWTU Chairman Oleg Grygoriuk participated in the XXXVI extraordinary report and election conference of the local trade union organization of PJSC "Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company".

Oleg Grygoriuk informed of the MTWTU activities during the full-scale military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

According to the decision of the conference, Anatoliy Nikolaev was elected as the Head of the local trade union organization of PJSC “UDSC”, as well as the new staff of the Trade Union Committee was appointed. After the conference, the first meeting of the Trade Union Committee was held.

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The MTWTU took part in the SEKO Maritime Section Congress

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