"Things Will Never Be Same Again"

MTWTU continues conducting meetings with a leading psychologist for seafarers and their families. This time, participants discussed how to control their emotions and understand themselves during the war.

The participants discovered effective practical advice and recommendations on how to react to different situations properly.

"I always expect practical recommendations at seminars. So, today the lecturer informed us that, first of all, we need to get rid of excess adrenaline; I had too much of it in me since April 23 last year, when a rocket hit a residential building in Odesa. After the event, I realized that my anxiety was only growing, and I won't cope with it without specialized help. And thanks to the speaker, I understood it now", - Natalya Skakun, the seafarer's wife.

"At the seminar, I learned the difference between fear and stress. Because for me, it was the same thing. Very interesting advice was that it is better to do sports after attacks. I think I will try it", - Valentyn Vozbrany, Bosun, Wilson.

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Survey: your vote matters!

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