Happy New Year

More news with tag #Young People

Train of Remembrance Journey

The ETF (European Transport Workers' Federation) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) organized a unique educational trip for young trade unionists to learn about the history of the Holocaust, analyze present-day events, and foster a new generation of leaders committed to building democracy and protecting human rights.

Можливість побудувати гідну майбутню кар'єру в морі з ПРМТУ

Першокурсники Херсонської державної морської академії, які навчаються в Литовській морській академії за підтримки ПРМТУ та ITF Seafarers' Trust отримали свої перші погони кадетів. Перед ними розгортаються можливості для професійного зростання, де кожен крок – це нове відкриття і виклики.

"You can achieve any goal you want: women can do everything"

Since childhood, Kateryna Hoyman has dreamed of sea adventures. She spent every spare minute near the Black Sea, looking at the ships. This way, she felt like a part of this big world where every day brings new impressions and challenges. Thus, she decided that her future was connected with the sea.

Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The Marine Transport Workers' Trade Union of Ukraine held a meeting of authorized representatives on occupational safety and health dedicated to the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.

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