How Drought Alters the Rules of Navigation: Challenges for the Panama Canal

The severe drought in Panama has seriously affected the global shipping industry. Dealing with this problem is strategically important for various sectors, including international trade, the economy, the environment, and geopolitics. For more comprehensive insights into the situation, we discussed the issue with experienced Master Oleg Kolesnykov. He shared his professional view of the problem and vision for a possible solution.

MTWTUYouth Forum: Uniting young people for the future of the trade union movement

The joint project of the MTWTU and the Danish trade union 3F opens up more and more opportunities for active MTWTU members.

Dear friends, we are 32 years old!

Thank you for being a part of the great family of MTWTU!

Defend your rights bravely: they are important

Another appeal from the sailors came from two crew members last week.

Oleg Grygoriuk will continue his work as the IMO Maritime Ambassador

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has for the third time extended the mandate of the IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador, Head of the Trade Union of Maritime Transport Workers of Ukraine, Oleg Grygoriuk.

On the path to European integration

Representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM) visited the office of the Maritime Transport Workers Trade Union of Ukraine, where they met with the Head of the MTWTU, Oleg Grygoriuk.

Об'єднані у підтримці моряків

У складні часи нам важливо залишатись разом та

допомагати один одному.

Conference of the labor collective of the Odessa Maritime Academy

The conference of the labor collective at the Odessa Maritime Academy, which was attended by the Head of the MTWTU Oleg Grygoriuk.


MTWTU and Danish Trade Union 3F: Updating labor legislation and social dialogue

On the way to joining the EU, Ukraine has to implement European legislation and European norms into Ukrainian legislation. Therefore, the process of updating labor legislation is currently underway, including discussions on the projects of the Labor Code, the law on social dialogue, collective labor disputes, and many other regulatory legal acts related to labor relations.

Grain corridor: read the contract carefully

Recently, MTWTU has noted an increase in the number of inquiries from Ukrainian sailors on ships that work in the Grain Corridor and depart from ports in Ukraine.

Panama Maritime Administration and ITF strengthen cooperation in the protection of seafarers’ rights

They have signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding aimed at enhancing cooperation on the protection of the rights and safety of seafarers working on vessels registered in Panama.

UNION SOLIDARITY FUND: допомога українським транспортникам не припиниться

Відбулося чергове засідання Наглядової ради UNION SOLIDARITY

FUND, заснованого Міжнародною федерацією транспортників (ІТF) та Європейською

федерацією транспортників (ETF) для допомоги українським профспілкам, які є

членськими організаціями обох федерацій.

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